as shown in Table 2, unless the purchaser has otherwise
specified in the order.
8. Chemical Composition
8.1 The steel shall conform to requirements of chemical
composition for the respective material prescribed in Table 1.
8.2 The steel shall not contain any unspecified elements for
the ordered grade to the extent that it then conforms to the
requirements of another grade for which that element is a
specified element having a required minimum content.
8.3 The chemical composition of weld metal is not required
to meet the same limits of the base materials however, the
composition of the weld deposit shall be such that it meets the
minimum mechanical and impact requirements of this specifi-
cation. In general, the alloy content shall be similar to that of
the base metal but shall not exceed 6 % except in the case of
fittings of 9 % nickel steel.
8.4 A product analysis is optional.
9. Tensile Properties
9.1 The tensile properties of the fittings material shall
conform to the requirements for the applicable grade of
material as listed in Table 3.
9.1.1 Longitudinal or transverse specimens cut from either
a fitting or from starting plate or pipe they were manufactured
from shall be acceptable for the tension test. For fittings made
from forgings, the test specimen shall meet the requirements of
Specification A350/A350M for the tension test.
9.1.2 While Table 3 specifies elongation requirements for
both longitudinal and transverse specimens, it is not the intent
that both requirements apply simultaneously. Instead, it is
intended that only the elongation requirement that is appropri-
ate for the specimen used be applicable. Unless specified by the
customer, tensile test orientation is at the discretion of the
9.2 At least one tension test shall be made on each heat of
material and in the same condition of heat treatment as the
finished fittings it represents provided that the wall thickness of
the fitting and the representative sample thickness do not vary
more than
in. [6 mm]. At least one tension test per heat of
weld metal shall be made after heat treatment in the same
manner as the base metal. Results of the tension test of the
weld metal need not be reported unless Supplementary Re-
quirement S51 of Specification A960/A960M is specified.
9.3 Records of the tension tests shall be certification that the
material of the fitting meets the tensile requirements of this
10. Impact Test Properties
10.1 Properties:
10.1.1 The notched bar impact properties of the base metal
and weld metal shall conform to the requirements of Table 4 or
Table 5 for the applicable grade of material.
10.1.2 Retest—When the average value of the three speci-
mens equals or exceeds the minimum value permitted for a
single specimen and the value for more than one specimen is
below the required average value, or when the value for one
specimen is below the minimum value permitted for a single
specimen, a retest of three additional specimens shall be made.
The value for each of these retest specimens shall equal or
exceed the required average value. When an erratic result is
caused by a defective specimen, or there is uncertainty in test
procedure, a retest shall be allowed.
10.2 Procedures:
10.2.1 All material furnished under this specification shall
be tested for impact resistance at the temperature for the
respective grade in Table 6. Exceptions to these requirements
are permissible when agreed upon between the purchaser and
producer and specified in the order, in that the impact test is
acceptable when made at temperatures different from those
shown in Table 6, provided the test temperature is at least as
low as the intended service temperature, and fittings are
suitably marked in accordance with Section 19 to identify the
reported test temperature.
10.2.2 The notched-bar impact test shall be made in accor-
dance with the procedure for the simple-beam, Charpy-type
test of Test Methods and Definitions A370 if the inch-pound
units are specified or Test Methods A1058 if the M suffix (SI
units) standard is specified. Each impact test shall consist of
breaking three specimens.
10.3 Specimens:
10.3.1 Notched-bar impact specimens shall be simple-beam,
Charpy-type A with a V-notch in accordance with Test Methods
and Definitions A370 if the inch-pound units are specified or
Test Methods A1058 if the M suffix (SI Units) standard is
specified. Standard specimens 10 by 10 mm in cross section
shall be used unless the material to be tested is of insufficient
thickness, in which case the largest obtainable standard subsize
impact specimens shall be used. When the size or shape of the
finished fittings is insufficient to permit obtaining the smallest
standard subsize impact specimens, an impact test by the fitting
manufacturer will not be required. The material from which the
specimens are taken shall be heat treated with a furnace charge
in accordance with 10.4.2 or 10.4.3. Impact tests shall be made
from either the raw material from which the fittings are made
or from a finished fitting at the option of the manufacturer.
10.3.2 Test specimens shall be obtained so that the longitu-
dinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the longitudinal axis of
the fitting while the axis of the “V” shall be perpendicular to
the surface. On wall thickness over 1 in. [25 mm] the
specimens shall be obtained with their longitudinal axis located
in. [13 mm] from the outer surface.
TABLE 2 Post-Weld Heat Treatment
Grade Metal Temperature Minimum Holding Time
°F °C
WPL6 1100–1200 595–650 1 h/in. [25 mm]
h min
WPL3 1100–1150 540–620
h/in. [25 mm] 1 h min
WPL8 1050–1100 565–595
h/in. [25 mm] 1 h min
1025–1085 550–585 1 h/in. [25 mm] 2 h min
2 in. [51 mm] thickness and over. The cooling rate shall not be less than 300 °F
[150 °C] per hour down to a temperature of 600 °F [315 °C].
A420/A420M − 24