ASTM A420 - A 420M - 24 低温下用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件

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Designation: A420/A420M 24
Standard Specification for
Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for
Low-Temperature Service
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A420/A420M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope*
1.1 This specification
covers wrought carbon steel and
alloy steel fittings of seamless and welded construction, cov-
ered by the latest revision of ASME B16.9, ASME B16.11,
MSS SP-79, MSS SP-83, MSS SP-95, and MSS SP-97.
Fittings differing from these ASME and MSS standards shall
be furnished in accordance with Supplementary Requirement
S58 of Specification A960/A960M. These fittings are for use in
pressure piping and pressure vessel service at low tempera-
1.2 Optional supplementary requirements are provided for
fittings where a greater degree of examination is desired. When
desired, one or more of these supplementary requirements shall
be specified in the order.
1.3 This specification is expressed in both inch-pound units
and in SI units. However, unless the order specifies the
applicable “M” specification designation (SI units), the mate-
rial shall be furnished to inch-pound units.
1.4 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the
SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each
system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system
shall be used independently of the other. Combining values
from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 In addition to those Referenced Documents listed in
Specification A960/A960M, the following list of standards
apply to this specification.
2.2 ASTM Standards:
A350/A350M Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel
Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping
A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
of Steel Products
A960/A960M Specification for Common Requirements for
Wrought Steel Piping Fittings
A1058 Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel
2.3 ASME Standards:
B16.9 Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Fittings
B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding Threaded
2.4 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
Section III
Section VIII Division 1, Pressure Vessels
Section IX
2.5 MSS Standards:
MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings,
Flanges, and Unions
MSS SP-79 Socket Welding Reducer Inserts
MSS SP-83 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and
MSS SP-95 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs
MSS SP-97 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet
Fittings—Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.22 on Steel Forgings and Wrought Fittings for Piping Applications and Bolting
Materials for Piping and Special Purpose Applications.
Current edition approved April 1, 2024. Published May 2024. Originally
approved in 1958. Last previous edition approved in 2022 as A420/A420M 22.
DOI: 10.1520/A0420_A0420M-24.
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-
cation SA-420 in Section II of that Code.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
Available from Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings
Industry (MSS), 127 Park St., NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4602, http://www.mss-
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
2.6 ASNT Standards:
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondestructive
Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification
3. Ordering Information
3.1 See Specification A960/A960M.
4. General Requirements
4.1 Product furnished to this specification shall conform to
the requirements of Specification A960/A960M, including any
supplementary requirements that are indicated in the purchase
order. Failure to comply with the general requirements of
Specification A960/A960M constitutes non-conformance with
this specification. In case of conflict between the requirements
of this specification and Specification A960/A960M, this
specification shall prevail.
5. Material
5.1 The starting material for fittings shall be fully killed
steel, consisting of forgings, bars, plates, sheet, and seamless or
fusion welded tubular products with filler metal added and
shall conform to the chemical requirements in Table 1. The
steels shall be made using recognized melting practices neces-
sary to produce steels that shall meet the impact requirements
of this specification.
6. Manufacture
6.1 Forging or forming operations shall be performed by
hammering, pressing, piercing, extruding, upsetting, working,
bending, fusion-welding, or machining, or by a combination of
two or more of these operations. The forming procedure shall
be so applied that it will not produce injurious defects in the
6.2 All welds, including welds in tubular products from
which fittings are made, shall be (1) made by welders, welding
operators and welding procedures qualified under the provi-
sions of ASME Section IX, (2) heat treated in accordance with
Section 7of this specification, and (3)nondestructively exam-
ined throughout the entire length of each weld in accordance
with Section 15 of this specification. The radiography of welds
shall be done either prior to or after forming at option of
manufacturer. Personnel performing NDE examinations shall
be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
6.3 The welded joints of the fittings shall be finished in
accordance with the requirements of Paragraph UW-35 (a) of
Section VIII, Division 1 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
6.4 All butt-weld tees manufactured by cold-forming meth-
ods shall be liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examined by
one of the methods specified in Supplementary Requirement
S52 or S53 of Specification A960/A960M. This examination
shall be performed after final heat treatment by NDE personnel
qualified under the provisions of SNT-TC-1A. Only the side-
wall areas of the tee need be examined. This area is defined by
a circle that covers the area from the weld bevel of the branch
outlet to the centerline of the body or run. Internal and external
surfaces shall be examined when size permits accessibility.
After the removal of any cracks, the tees shall be re-examined
by the original method. Acceptable tees shall be marked with
the symbol PT or MT, as applicable, to indicate compliance.
6.5 Stubends may be produced with the entire lap added by
the welding of a ring, made from plate or bar of the same alloy
grade and composition, to the outside of a straight section of
pipe, provided the weld is double welded, is a full penetration
joint, satisfies the requirements of 6.2 for qualifications and
radiography and 7.1 for post weld heat treatment.
7. Heat Treatment
7.1 All fittings shall be furnished in the normalized, normal-
ized and tempered, annealed, or quenched and tempered
condition. All welding shall be completed prior to the austen-
itizing heat treatment.
7.2 The full thickness of the material from which impact test
specimens are to be obtained shall be heat treated with a
furnace charge as specified in 10.4.2 or 10.4.3.
7.3 After forming, the fittings shall be allowed to cool below
the lower critical before applying one of the heat treatments
listed in 7.1.
7.4 When specified in the order, the test specimens shall be
subjected to a simulated post-weld heat treatment before
testing. The simulated post-weld heat treatment used shall be
Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box
28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518,
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
NOTE 1—All requirements are maximum unless otherwise indicated.
NOTE 2—Where an ellipsis (...) appears in this table, there is no requirement.
Composition, %
C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo Cu Nb
WPL6 0.30 0.50–1.35 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.40 0.40 0.30 0.12 0.40 0.02
WPL9 0.20 0.40–1.06 0.030 0.030 . . . 1.60–2.24 0.75–1.25
0.20 0.31–0.64 0.05 0.05 0.13–0.37 3.2–3.8 . . .
0.13 0.90 0.030 0.030 0.13–0.37 8.4–9.6 . . .
When fittings are of welded construction, the symbols above shall be supplemented by the letter “W”.
By agreement, the limit for niobium may be increased up to 0.05 % on heat analysis and 0.06 % on product analysis.
Fittings made from plate or forgings may have 0.90 % max manganese.
Fittings made from plate may have 0.98 % max manganese.
Niobium and columbium are interchangeable names for the same element and both names are acceptable for use in A01.22 specifications.
A420/A420M − 24
as shown in Table 2, unless the purchaser has otherwise
specified in the order.
8. Chemical Composition
8.1 The steel shall conform to requirements of chemical
composition for the respective material prescribed in Table 1.
8.2 The steel shall not contain any unspecified elements for
the ordered grade to the extent that it then conforms to the
requirements of another grade for which that element is a
specified element having a required minimum content.
8.3 The chemical composition of weld metal is not required
to meet the same limits of the base materials however, the
composition of the weld deposit shall be such that it meets the
minimum mechanical and impact requirements of this specifi-
cation. In general, the alloy content shall be similar to that of
the base metal but shall not exceed 6 % except in the case of
fittings of 9 % nickel steel.
8.4 A product analysis is optional.
9. Tensile Properties
9.1 The tensile properties of the fittings material shall
conform to the requirements for the applicable grade of
material as listed in Table 3.
9.1.1 Longitudinal or transverse specimens cut from either
a fitting or from starting plate or pipe they were manufactured
from shall be acceptable for the tension test. For fittings made
from forgings, the test specimen shall meet the requirements of
Specification A350/A350M for the tension test.
9.1.2 While Table 3 specifies elongation requirements for
both longitudinal and transverse specimens, it is not the intent
that both requirements apply simultaneously. Instead, it is
intended that only the elongation requirement that is appropri-
ate for the specimen used be applicable. Unless specified by the
customer, tensile test orientation is at the discretion of the
9.2 At least one tension test shall be made on each heat of
material and in the same condition of heat treatment as the
finished fittings it represents provided that the wall thickness of
the fitting and the representative sample thickness do not vary
more than
in. [6 mm]. At least one tension test per heat of
weld metal shall be made after heat treatment in the same
manner as the base metal. Results of the tension test of the
weld metal need not be reported unless Supplementary Re-
quirement S51 of Specification A960/A960M is specified.
9.3 Records of the tension tests shall be certification that the
material of the fitting meets the tensile requirements of this
10. Impact Test Properties
10.1 Properties:
10.1.1 The notched bar impact properties of the base metal
and weld metal shall conform to the requirements of Table 4 or
Table 5 for the applicable grade of material.
10.1.2 Retest—When the average value of the three speci-
mens equals or exceeds the minimum value permitted for a
single specimen and the value for more than one specimen is
below the required average value, or when the value for one
specimen is below the minimum value permitted for a single
specimen, a retest of three additional specimens shall be made.
The value for each of these retest specimens shall equal or
exceed the required average value. When an erratic result is
caused by a defective specimen, or there is uncertainty in test
procedure, a retest shall be allowed.
10.2 Procedures:
10.2.1 All material furnished under this specification shall
be tested for impact resistance at the temperature for the
respective grade in Table 6. Exceptions to these requirements
are permissible when agreed upon between the purchaser and
producer and specified in the order, in that the impact test is
acceptable when made at temperatures different from those
shown in Table 6, provided the test temperature is at least as
low as the intended service temperature, and fittings are
suitably marked in accordance with Section 19 to identify the
reported test temperature.
10.2.2 The notched-bar impact test shall be made in accor-
dance with the procedure for the simple-beam, Charpy-type
test of Test Methods and Definitions A370 if the inch-pound
units are specified or Test Methods A1058 if the M suffix (SI
units) standard is specified. Each impact test shall consist of
breaking three specimens.
10.3 Specimens:
10.3.1 Notched-bar impact specimens shall be simple-beam,
Charpy-type A with a V-notch in accordance with Test Methods
and Definitions A370 if the inch-pound units are specified or
Test Methods A1058 if the M suffix (SI Units) standard is
specified. Standard specimens 10 by 10 mm in cross section
shall be used unless the material to be tested is of insufficient
thickness, in which case the largest obtainable standard subsize
impact specimens shall be used. When the size or shape of the
finished fittings is insufficient to permit obtaining the smallest
standard subsize impact specimens, an impact test by the fitting
manufacturer will not be required. The material from which the
specimens are taken shall be heat treated with a furnace charge
in accordance with 10.4.2 or 10.4.3. Impact tests shall be made
from either the raw material from which the fittings are made
or from a finished fitting at the option of the manufacturer.
10.3.2 Test specimens shall be obtained so that the longitu-
dinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the longitudinal axis of
the fitting while the axis of the “V” shall be perpendicular to
the surface. On wall thickness over 1 in. [25 mm] the
specimens shall be obtained with their longitudinal axis located
in. [13 mm] from the outer surface.
TABLE 2 Post-Weld Heat Treatment
Grade Metal Temperature Minimum Holding Time
°F °C
WPL6 1100–1200 595–650 1 h/in. [25 mm]
h min
WPL3 1100–1150 540–620
h/in. [25 mm] 1 h min
WPL8 1050–1100 565–595
h/in. [25 mm] 1 h min
1025–1085 550–585 1 h/in. [25 mm] 2 h min
2 in. [51 mm] thickness and over. The cooling rate shall not be less than 300 °F
[150 °C] per hour down to a temperature of 600 °F [315 °C].
A420/A420M − 24
10.3.3 When testing welds, the notch of the specimen shall
be in the welded joint and, where the diameter and wall
thickness permit, the longitudinal axis of the specimen shall be
transverse to the longitudinal axis of the weld. The axis of the
notch shall be perpendicular to the surface.
10.4 Number of Tests:
10.4.1 A notched-bar impact test, consisting of breaking
three specimens shall be made. Each test shall represent only
such fittings from a heat that do not vary from the thickness of
the material from which the test specimens are taken by more
in. [6 mm].
10.4.2 When heat treatment is performed in furnaces not
equipped with calibrated recording pyrometers, one impact test
shall be made for each heat in each heat-treatment load. Test
specimens shall be included with each furnace charge. If this
heat treatment is conducted in continuous-type furnaces not
equipped with calibrated recording pyrometers, then one test
per heat shall be conducted for each 5000 lb or 2550 kg (or
less) of product.
10.4.3 When heat treatment is performed in furnaces con-
trolled within a 50 °F [28 °C] range and equipped with
calibrated recording pyrometers so that records of heat treat-
ment are available, then one impact test from each heat is
required, provided that all other heat treatments are conducted
at the same temperatures and within the same 50 °F [28 °C]
range as the furnace charge that contained the test specimens.
10.4.4 On fittings of welded construction, additional impact
tests of the same number as required in 10.4.1 or 10.4.2 shall
be made to test the weld metal.
10.4.5 Specimens showing defects while being machined or
prior to testing shall be discarded, and replacements shall be
considered as original specimens.
10.5 Retreatment:
10.5.1 If the results of impact tests conducted in accordance
with 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 fail to conform to the test requirements
specified in 10.1, that group of fittings shall be retreated and
submitted for test. No group of fittings shall be retreated more
than twice.
11. Hydrostatic Tests
11.1 Hydrostatic testing of fittings is not required by this
TABLE 3 Tensile Requirements
NOTE 1—Where an ellipsis (. . .) appears in this table, there is no requirement.
Requirement Grade
Tensile strength, min ksi [MPa]
Yield strength, min ksi [MPa]
60 [415] − 95 [655]
35 [240]
63 [435] − 88 [610]
46 [315]
65 [450] − 90 [620]
35 [240]
100 [690] − 125 [865]
75 [515]
Elongation Requirements Grades
Standard round specimen, or small proportional
specimen, min % in 4 D
22 12 20 . . . 22 14 16 . . .
Strip specimen for wall thickness
in. [7.94 mm] and
over, and for all small sizes tested in full section;
min % in 2 in. or 50 mm
30 17 28 18 30 20 22 . . .
Formula for calculating minimum elongation for strip
specimens thinner than
in. [7.94 mm]; min % in 2
in. or 50 mm (
-in. [12.7-mm] wide specimen)
t = actual thickness in inches 48t + 15 32t + 6.5 48t + 13 32t + 8 48t + 15 32t + 10 40t + 9.5
t = actual thickness in mm 1.9t + 15 1.26t + 6.5 1.9t + 13 1.26t + 8 1.9t + 15 1.26t + 10 1.57t + 9.5
Requirements for equivalent wall thickness expressed in inches and mm may differ from each other.
TABLE 4 Charpy Impact Requirements for WPL6, WPL9, and
Size of Specimen,
Charpy V-Notch Impact
Value Required for
Acceptance (Average of
Three Specimens)
Minimum Charpy V-Notch
Impact Value Without
Requiring Retest (One
Specimen Only of a Set)
ft·lbf J ft·lbf J
10 by 10.0 13 18 10 14
10 by 7.5 10 14 8 11
10 by 5.0 7 9 5 7
10 by 2.5 4 5 3 4
Straight-line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.
TABLE 5 Charpy Impact Requirements for WPL8
Size of Specimen,
Charpy V-Notch Impact
Value Required for
Acceptance (Average of
Minimum Charpy V-Notch
Impact Value Without
Requiring Retest (One
Specimen Only of a Set)
ft·lbf J ft·lbf J
10 by 10.0 25 34 20 27
10 by 7.5 21 29 17 23
10 by 5.0 17 23 14 19
10 by 2.5 8 11 6 8
TABLE 6 Impact Test Temperature
Grade Impact Test Temperature,
°F [°C]
WPL6 −50 [−45]
WPL9 −100 [−75]
WPL3 −150 [−100]
WPL8 −320 [−195]
A420/A420M − 24

ASTM A420/A420M-2024 Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low- Temperature Service 低温下用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件

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